Fenners Public Law Practice Group

Fenners’ Public Law Practice Group comprises specialists in various aspects of public, regulatory and environmental law. We deal with both contentious and non-contentious matters and appear in all courts and tribunals, as well as disciplinary hearings.

Although based in Cambridge, our Public Law Practice Group works closely with local authorities and other public bodies, not only in East Anglia and the East Midlands but at a national level, and with individuals and businesses affected by the actions of public bodies.

We are aware of the pressure on public bodies to maintain services in the context of reducing budgets, and the growing trend to shared service and support functions. Equally, the Public Law Practice Group is very aware of the needs for individuals and voluntary organisations who may be on the receiving end of unlawful decisions, and who face problems in funding judicial reviews or other litigation. We are all happy to accept legal aid instructions where individuals are entitled to public funding, and to consider other ways to make proceedings affordable.

What we do

Constitutional public law:

  • Corporate governance
  • Data protection & freedom of information
  • Standards, ethics & monitoring


  • Development plans
  • Planning appeals & enforcement
  • Trees & woodlands
  • Listed buildings, conservation areas & church faculties
  • Advertisements and other special controls

The terrestrial environment:

  • Statutory nuisance
  • Waste disposal
  • Noise & other pollution
  • Village greens & commons
  • Land drainage & inland waterways
  • Environmental permits


  • Marine licensing & planning
  • Fisheries management
  • Nature conservation & protected areas

Public services:

  • Highways & public rights of way
  • LEA, academy and free schools
  • School admissions & exclusions
  • Special educational needs
  • Local taxation
  • Housing & building control
  • Open spaces, cemeteries, allotments & markets

Criminal & civil regulatory proceedings:

  • Consumer protection & trading standards
  • Food law
  • Marine fisheries law
  • Health & safety prosecutions
  • Licensing powers of public bodies
  • Road haulage & public transport
  • Environmental prosecutions
  • Public Inquiries
  • Taxi and Liquor licensing

Listing of barristers within our Public Law Practice Group

Andrew Gore

Andrew Gore

Year of Call: 1973

Bruce Monnington

Bruce Monnington

Year of Call: 1989

Shahin Ismail

Shahin Ismail

Year of Call: 1993

Mike Magee

Mike Magee

Year of Call: 1997

Daniel Owen

Daniel Owen

Year of Call: 1999

Contact the Fenners Public Law Practice Group

Get in touch to discuss how we can apply our legal expertise in public law to your benefit.